Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb Selamat Datang di Blog Dunia Pendidikan Berbagi Wawasan Keilmuan, Keislaman Oleh : Sahrialsyah Sinar, M.Pd.I

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Function of shalat

  1. Shalat can restrain someone from doing shameful and unjust deeds.Allah said,.."shalat restrains from shameful and unjust deeds...."(QS.Al-Ankabut 29:45)
  2. shalat is the pillar of religion.Islam will be upheld if Muslim do shalat correctly.
  3. shalat is the key to all kindness.Rasullullah SAW.The first deed for which people will be brought to account on the day of judgement will be their shalats.If their shalats are good, then the rest of their acts will be good.On the contrary.if their acts will be bad"
  4. shalat is the foundation af faith.if someone considers shalat trivil,then that personb belittles Islam.
  5. shalat provides a way to be connected to Allah.
  6. shalat is the most beautiful way of praying.

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